Microsoft Words Exercise
From the sentences below, group them into their respected categories.
1. I have a Sony Erricsson hand phone. The name of my phone is Demonix. It is coloured black with gold lines on its side. My phone rocks!
2. My friend is using a Nokia. His phone sucks badly!
3. Motorola hand phones are unique but costly
4. Alcatel will soon end in bankruptcy.
5. Samsung brands are designing daring designs.
6. A friend of mine recently bought a LG hand phone.
Cars Are Meant for Kiddies
Oh hello world. Welcome to the next fun part of life, the uncontrolled kiddy behaviour in adult driving practice on the god damn road!
So yeah, the line ups, the boring lectures and lastly the test to get a decent driving license. And there you are, full with pride, you're license in hand and you feel like taking(driving) over the world. So, the first thing you came up across..nomads in wheels?
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